Today In History

Today is the 201st anniversary of the “Battle Of Trafalgar.” This one of the proudest days in the history of the Royal Navy, and it secured Britain’s place as ruler of the oceans from October 21st 1805 to the end of WW1, and forever secured Admiral Horatio Nelson as the Greatest Naval Commander that ever lived, as he lead the Royal Navy to victory over the combined fleets of France and Spain, from his Flagship, the H.M.S. Victory, and gave his life for his country. H.M.S. Victory is still in service as a museum ship, and remains the pride of the Royal Navy to this day.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Re: Today's date in history...

As we go about our holiday shopping and general carousing, as well as searching for an ID of that image on the screen that happened to catch our eye, let us not forget the solemn significance of this date in history of which today is the anniversary of:

December 7, 1941​

Your thoughts on both the events of the past and how far we have progressed would graciously be appreciated.

Respectfully, DrMotorcity

Attack on Pearl Harbor

U.S. commanders at the time of the attack:
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy

We must never forget the sacrifice made on that day by those who had served.

Scene of the Crime, revisited
Re: Today's date in history...

08 December 1195

Robin Hood opens the 8th window on his Sesame Street advent calender....

....and found a little chocolate Elmo!
Re: Today's date in history...

LOL, now that is historical!


Closed Account
Re: Today's date in history...

U.S. commanders at the time of the attack:
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy

We must never forget the sacrifice made on that day by those who had served.

Scene of the Crime, revisited

You are so right. We must never forget this day. Here's a good link I found some may enjoy. Look at the bottom of the page there is a great radio wave of a excerpt of FDR's "December 7th 1941 a day that will live in infamy" speech.

Re: Today's date in history...

How soon after this were Japanese American put on curfews and held in concentration camps by the U.S.?

Either way, as someone once said, killing is killing wether done for duty, profit or for fun. Lives were lost. War is not needed or necassary, but people are too dumb to settle things otherwise. People will support killings and attacks on other peoples army, but not ours. Whatever. I aint gonna say Rest In Peace, because if they aint resting now they never will.
Re: Today's date in history...

i agree with you but not on the last sentence.... may they rest in peace i say...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: Today's date in history...

To turn this into a debate about what the Imperial Japanese Navy did on December 7, 1941 and what the U.S. did by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an insult to the brave Americans who died on this "date that will live in infamy". If you want to debate the latter, here's the thread for you:

Otherwise, show some respect.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Re: Today's date in history...

To turn this into a debate about what the Imperial Japanese Navy did on December 7, 1941 and what the U.S. did by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an insult to the brave Americans who died on this "date that will live in infamy". If you want to debate the latter, here's the thread for you:

Otherwise, show some respect.

Well-stated, and thank you. I could not have expressed those sentiments any better.
Re: Today's date in history...

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me.
Drop some A-bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki.
Re: Today's date in history...

How soon after this were Japanese American put on curfews and held in concentration camps by the U.S.?
Sad, but true. Hopefully we will never repeat such. I said, hopefully.


Closed Account
Re: Today's date in history...

AFA's thread started me reading, Googling and need I say more? I've been in my own world for awhile. I happened on this and thought of this thread.

Weather facts for this day in history.

13 January

...1862...The "Noachian flood of California" created a vast sea in the Sacramento Valley. San Francisco had a January rainfall total of 24.36 inches. (Intellicast)
...1886...A great blizzard struck the state of Kansas without warning. The storm claimed 50 to 100 lives, and eighty percent of the cattle in the state. (David Ludlum)
...1888...The mercury plunged to 65 degrees below zero at Fort Keogh, located near Miles City, MT. The reading stood as the all-time lowest temperature record for the continental U.S. for sixty-six years. (David Ludlum)
...1912...The temperature at Oakland, MD plunged to 40 degrees below zero to establish a state record. (Sandra and TI Richard Sanders - 1987)
...1913...The temperature rose 64 degrees in 14 hours at Rapid City, SD. (Intellicast)
...1950...The coldest and snowiest month on record (57.2 inches) at Seattle, WA was highlighted by a major snowstorm on this date. Twenty inches of snow fell at the Seattle-Tacoma airport. (Intellicast)
...1964...A large, slow moving snowstorm hit the mid-Atlantic and New England states. Williamsport, PA was buried under 24 inches of snow. Scranton, PA checked in with 19 inches and Nantucket, MA recorded 19 inches. (Intellicast)
...1987...Dry and mild weather prevailed across the country. Nineteen cities in the Upper Midwest reported record high temperatures for the date, including Grand Island, NE with a reading of 67 degrees. (National Weather Summary)
...1988...A fast moving cold front ushered arctic cold into the north central and northeastern U.S. Mason City, IA reported a wind chill reading of 51 degrees below zero, and Greenville, ME reported a wind chill of 63 degrees below zero. Winds along the cold front gusted to 63 mph at Rochester, NY, and a thunderstorm along the cold front produced wind gusts to 62 mph at Buffalo, NY, along with snow and sleet. (National Weather Summary)
...1989...Friday the 13th was bad luck primarily for the south central U.S. as an upper-level weather disturbance spread a mixture of snow and sleet and freezing rain across Texas and Oklahoma. Snowfall totals in central Oklahoma ranged up to 8.5 inches at Norman. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
...1990...A winter storm in the southwestern U.S. produced more than a twelve inches of snow in the mountains of California and Nevada. In northern California, Huntington Lake was buried under 40 inches of snow, and up to 20 inches was reported in northeastern Nevada. Heavy rain soaked some of the lower elevations of California. Gibraltar Dam, CA was drenched with 5.33 inches of rain in two days. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)

Re: Today's date in history...

On this day in
1993- A number of bombing raids over Southern Iraq were carried out by American, British and French fighter jets.
It's good that we have moved on since then

2004: Dr. Harold Shipman was found hanged in his prison cell. For anyone who might not have heard of him, he was probably Britain's most notorious and prolific serial killer. It is believed by some that he could have murdered up to 250 people.

1991: Thirteen people were killed and over one hundred injured, as Soviet troops continued their crackdown against the Lithuanian peoles drive for independance.

I just thought I'd cheer you all up with these little nuggets of information
Re: Today's date in history...

For anyone who might not have heard of him, he was probably Britain's most notorious and prolific serial killer.
Guilty before innocent, huh?

It is believed by some that he could have murdered up to 250 people.
Believed...... Could have

It is believed by some that the moon is made of cheese - care to take on that proposition as a pronunciation of fact?

1991: Thirteen people were killed and over one hundred injured, as Soviet troops continued their crackdown against the Lithuanian peoles drive for independance.
Glorious Socialist Revolution!! We must stand true to "the people"! We must give power "back to the people". That's what our "revolution" stands for! Power to "the People".

We stand together, in comradeship!
Re: Today's date in history...

Well Roughneck it is a fact that Shipman was jailed for life for murdering 15 people. Now he is dead we will never know the truth, so all we can do is guess. I'm not saying that he murdered 250 people, I'm just quoting Dame Janet Smith who headed the Shipman enquiry.


Closed Account
Re: Today's date in history...

1942 : Henry Ford patents plastic car

On this day in 1942, Henry Ford patented a plastic-bodied automobile. Soybean Car.

The car was 30 percent lighter than ordinary cars. Plastic, a relatively new material in 1942, was revolutionizing industry after industry in the United States. Today most car bodies are still made of metal, but plastic parts are becoming more and more common.

I thought this very interesting.
