🔥 Professional Warlock Terrorizes Mists Gatherers 🔥 Albion Online | Goldstein's Highlights Ep. 12

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
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    MISTS PLATE SHADOWCALLER BUILD ~ 1750 IP (Max Elite Warlock)
    T5.4 SHADOWCALLER | (Cursed Tar, Desecrate, Furious)
    T8.3 Royal Helmet | (Ballista Support Fire, Authority)
    T8.3 Armor of Valor | (Requite, Authority)
    T7.3 Royal Boots | (Royal March, Authority)
    T4.1 Undead Cape / Smugglers Cape
    6.2 Healing potions & 8.1 Avalonian Beef Sandwich
    MISTS CURSED STAFF BUILD ~ 1550 IP (Max Elite Warlock)
    T8.1 Cursed Staff | (Vile Curse, Armor Piercer, Furious)
    T8.0 Helmet of Valor | (Purifying Smoke, Tenacity)
    T8.0 Cleric Robe | (Everlasting Spirit, Aggression)
    T8.0 Soldier Boots | (Wanderlust, Tenacity)
    T6.3 Cryptcandle
    T4.0 Caerleon Cape
    Invisibility Potions
    -Beef Stew & Cabbage Soup
    SWAPS: Demon Helmet, Helmet of Valor, Duskweaver Helmet, Mage Robe
    *ANY swap disguise escape set is HIGHLY recommended and greatly improves the success rate of this strategy
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Комментарии • 88

  • @GoldsteinX
    @GoldsteinX  2 дня назад +1

    Join my Discord to participate in Premium Giveaways and more! discord.gg/bCRwcPCj5f
    Check out my Main Channel: ruclips.net/user/Goldstein_AO

  • @mahdii9592
    @mahdii9592 2 дня назад +13

    Why i feel its all fake??

    • @mikepiper6496
      @mikepiper6496 2 дня назад

      It's not fake, He doesn't show us his fails. I've watched my friend kill him on discord.. I was playing 4.3 arctic staff the other day and fought him on his 6.4/8.3 and he ran away cause i was beating his azz lol

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад +2

      Probably because you're new to the game

  • @anlandtank3104
    @anlandtank3104 2 дня назад +3

    The gatherers’ skill ceiling was nerf to the ground

  • @mahdii9592
    @mahdii9592 2 дня назад +15

    You not streaming,whats the reason for covering ur map?

    • @tomate-kun1042
      @tomate-kun1042 2 дня назад +14


    • @Shinsu-
      @Shinsu- 2 дня назад


    • @dr.amerahmad
      @dr.amerahmad 2 дня назад +1

      so u don’t know which map he is hunting in

    • @Heinz_Von
      @Heinz_Von 2 дня назад +6

      @@dr.amerahmad that doesnt make sense , he is on mists

    • @سبحانالله-ذ7م9غ
      @سبحانالله-ذ7م9غ День назад

      I doubt that there are fake footage that you can see the plus sign at the top of the screen under the name means that it is a binary mist

  • @MakuCantSleep
    @MakuCantSleep 14 часов назад

    new in the game and watching these clips drive me insane 😮

  • @kevinontiveros8490
    @kevinontiveros8490 2 дня назад +7

    16:45 the timing 😂

  • @سبحانالله-ذ7م9غ
    @سبحانالله-ذ7م9غ День назад

    Thank you for the video I put a lot of effort into it and for those who say radar or anything like it this clip was filmed over a period of a few months you can tell this from the absence of IP on his personality at the beginning of the clip and the first shots and thank you

  • @Minidon1337
    @Minidon1337 2 дня назад +11

    Nah paid actors 😍xd

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад

      I wish I had paid actors I'd publish videos a lot faster

  • @jedstoltz-jf1wm
    @jedstoltz-jf1wm 2 дня назад +1

    Classical music always hits right

  • @anthonymecia8305
    @anthonymecia8305 2 дня назад +8

    he knows where all the farmers are... its radar

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад +11

      Yeah, I used radar to detect your autism you're so dumb if you think a third party program will give you 10 years of experience in this game

    • @fadilsonic5330
      @fadilsonic5330 9 часов назад


  • @ElectrikMe
    @ElectrikMe 2 дня назад +1

    Its gud place to level up gathering actually.😊

  • @Obi-Wan-Kenobii
    @Obi-Wan-Kenobii 2 дня назад +2

    Why no one is using the emergency shield skill in their head piece to cleanse?

    • @anlandtank3104
      @anlandtank3104 2 дня назад +2

      Yeah, those living in safe gathering zone like mist in a long time without many gankers bother ganking them. Long enough will create these dumb as circumstances

    • @kevinontiveros8490
      @kevinontiveros8490 2 дня назад

      ​@anlandtank3104 Exactly! I agree, You are as weak as the areas you choose to farm 👍

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад +1

      They probably will from now on

  • @AvenZerpa
    @AvenZerpa 2 дня назад +4

    News actors 🙄😮‍💨😒

  • @Player-it4nv
    @Player-it4nv 2 дня назад +3

    Buen video 👍

  • @smagcat6659
    @smagcat6659 2 дня назад +1

    I used to gank in mist after the ava roads buff i made 50mill below of silver every week gatherers there were almost all are braindead they were too comfortable in mist because it's mostly rare for gankers to gank mist. But now they become smart and the mist is slowly backing to it's old popularity everyone now are back to mist from ava roads content too many 8.4 trying to kill me 😅

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад

      Gatherers are a billion times easier to gank now than they used to be probably because all the veteran players quit or moved on with their lives.

  • @NoOne-xq1ux
    @NoOne-xq1ux День назад

    5 letters starts with letter R or letter A

  • @mikepiper6496
    @mikepiper6496 День назад

    If you're watching this content and thinking "I want to do this!"Dont. This is the worst of the worst behavior on this game and it wont turn out for you how it does for the master of rats, Goldstien.

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  22 часа назад +1

      Yeah bro, killing players in a full loot pvp game is a terrible thing to do, my bad :(

    • @mikepiper6496
      @mikepiper6496 19 часов назад

      It's just the way you do it bro. I know you don't feel good about ratting the way you do lol. Or maybe your soul is long gone 😂

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  18 часов назад

      @ I feel like you should be complaining in the forum instead. I don't know what's your problem.

  • @anlandtank3104
    @anlandtank3104 2 дня назад

    The fact of those gatherers’ brains on these days XD

  • @deejanarrowjames3464
    @deejanarrowjames3464 2 дня назад +2

    You running radar? How do you know people are coming when they do...? Suspicious

  • @GanyangPenghalang
    @GanyangPenghalang 2 дня назад

    I don't trust Goldstein video until i trying by my self Waw unbeatable

  • @Руся-е3д
    @Руся-е3д День назад

    Why can't they leave mists, they aren't in combat, can somebody explain?

  • @anlandtank3104
    @anlandtank3104 2 дня назад

    I killed one naive gather dismount on top of me gathering 8.1 nodes in mist hahaha

  • @diz2408
    @diz2408 2 дня назад

    si te pones a pensar un poco tiene sentido que los pueda matar ya que si te asustas y tiras w y botas quedas silenciado y ellos no se esperan a que los oneshotee

    • @ThiagoRamos-lw4xo
      @ThiagoRamos-lw4xo 2 дня назад +3

      Bro es muy pero muy obvio q los 2 farmers q mato justo en la puerta son amigos o mínimo les dio algo de silver para q se dejaran matar, El segundo pudo aver salido 3 veces de la the mist y mágicamente no quiso salir xdd.

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад

      @ThiagoRamos-lw4xo One of the gatherers got stuck in a glitched corner at the door and the other one I have no idea why didn't he zoned out, he probably panicked too hard. Funny clips anyway.

  • @jarmarofficial4349
    @jarmarofficial4349 День назад

    The frist kill on this video. How u know where go with after use invisibility potion? U dont see health bar enemy. lol huh?

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад

      Skill? I spotted him early in the clip, then I heard him dismounting. I have over 260m Gathering fame, I knew exactly what that gatherer wanted to do (gather the fiber)

  • @CodeFIow
    @CodeFIow 2 дня назад +1

    Nice radar man.

  • @bentorrey12
    @bentorrey12 2 дня назад +1

    Yess a new video

  • @williandelacruz4968
    @williandelacruz4968 2 дня назад

    Ahora con los farmer?😢

  • @okudanbuenaventura3099
    @okudanbuenaventura3099 22 часа назад +1

    Radar this radar that, if he does use radar he would've been banned ages ago, I used to play BP and 1H cursed in the mist ganking, its good money if you know what you're doing

  • @RicardoArgona-qs1ti
    @RicardoArgona-qs1ti 2 дня назад


  • @rodrigoperes-mi8sq
    @rodrigoperes-mi8sq 2 дня назад

    from rat 8 3 to kill farmer XDDDDDD

  • @claazy4451
    @claazy4451 23 часа назад

    ur gonna get my beloved curse nerfed :D

  • @mendivilmartinez
    @mendivilmartinez День назад

    This video is old, it seems that your account was deleted XD

    • @incognito_2024
      @incognito_2024 6 часов назад

      dame mas contexto para hacer mi investigación, hablas de su personaje principal o cuenta de youtube? quizás por usar programas de terceros

  • @notariotv8908
    @notariotv8908 2 дня назад +1

    Veo que cada vez mas gente duda de este bot.. perdon jugador.
    Por que no hace directo si es tan bueno?
    Porque tapa un mapa de mist?
    Este jugador es basura

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад

      Yeah, when you are so good at this game people think you're cheating you're so dumb if you think a cheat can give you the skill of a 20k hours veteran. You will get banned instantly in this game if you use cheats.

    • @notariotv8908
      @notariotv8908 День назад

      ​@@GoldsteinX si fueras tan bueno harías directo y no lo haces . Eres un buen actor y videos bien editados nada más eres un fantasma.

    • @GoldsteinX
      @GoldsteinX  День назад +1

      @@notariotv8908 I'm curious to know your IGN, because if you're calling me bad, it must be because you're giga good right?

    • @savkoberk
      @savkoberk День назад

      @@GoldsteinX Fighting for convincing people that you are not cheating is actually giga suspicious bro not gonna lie... I was not thinking that you were using radar but after i saw your comments now i have my doubts xD

    • @incognito_2024
      @incognito_2024 6 часов назад

      eso mismo pienso yo ya que varios aqui dicen que sus videos son antiguos quizas porque sus cuentas estan baneadas pero no tengo informacion exacta, este tipo es un buen actor ademas se ve que en varios ni la gente fuera de combate los deja salir d ela mist

  • @Burn93
    @Burn93 День назад

    Почему многие у портала не выходили, что за бред

    • @incognito_2024
      @incognito_2024 6 часов назад

      eso mismo pienso yo es como si estuvieran atrapados

  • @locmenundead
    @locmenundead 2 дня назад

    por dios esos farmers donde carajos salen no usan bien los defensivos. mas de uno se habría salvado si usaran bien el casco. merecido que se los farmearan. yo tambien soy farmer y en la vida me han agarrado en mist 4200 horas de juego

    • @jerardomatias9878
      @jerardomatias9878 2 дня назад

      Tampoco es que se enfrenten a un jugador nuevo, no ves como les adivina las invi y todo?

    • @andersonramosramos9531
      @andersonramosramos9531 2 дня назад

      tu eres tu a mi me han agarrado varias veces :v

    • @locmenundead
      @locmenundead 2 дня назад

      @@jerardomatias9878 si pero si notas que la gran mayoría usan terriblemente mal los defensivos llegando a usar las botas de inmediato XD

    • @locmenundead
      @locmenundead 2 дня назад

      @@andersonramosramos9531 ahora que recuerdo si me hagarraron una vez me bajo resto y justo apareció una rata al frente. Ni modo hay petate pero no recuerdo más. Eso sí en roja y negra ya perdí la cuenta de mis F

    • @Alexx_rpa2022
      @Alexx_rpa2022 2 дня назад

      Real, hasta con la misma habilidad del jabalí espectral se salvaban algunos 🤦

  • @死屁孩-l3r
    @死屁孩-l3r 2 дня назад

    why these guys can alive in black zone , never happen a single player do so noob in Asia server 😑

  • @jackdragster7474
    @jackdragster7474 2 дня назад

    colecting collectors

  • @MHA_47_LITE
    @MHA_47_LITE 2 дня назад +1


  • @BinaxYT
    @BinaxYT 2 дня назад

    Imagine being so shi t at the game that the only thing you can do is fish for gatherers 24h/7...This is omega lame...

  • @clashgaming3707
    @clashgaming3707 2 дня назад

    First ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉

  • @dddddsssify
    @dddddsssify 2 дня назад

    Such an arrogant cheat

  • @ardaduman421
    @ardaduman421 10 часов назад

    professional rat and radar

  • @ricardonunes1759
    @ricardonunes1759 2 дня назад +1